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What are the new technology trends in the electronics industry in 2024?

publish:2024-11-25 17:10:05   views :266
publish:2024-11-25 17:10:05  

What are the new technology trends in the electronics industry in 2024? Look here:

1. Brain-computer interfaces and micro-devices: These technologies may have a wide range of applications in medical, consumer electronics and industrial fields.

2. Sunlight data transmission: The use of sunlight for data transmission, with high efficiency and environmental protection characteristics.

3. Solid state batteries: Compared with traditional batteries, solid state batteries have higher energy density and safety.

4. Motors and power management: The application of BLDC motors is growing, especially in the industrial and energy saving areas.

5. Large computing hardware: With the development of AI technology, the demand for large computing hardware is increasing.

6. RISC-V chip: Chip products based on RISC-V architecture have been applied in many fields.

7. Quantum computing: As a new mode of computing, quantum computing has potential advantages in dealing with specific problems.

8. Generative AI: The use of generative AI is expanding in the data center, edge computing, and end-to-end devices.

9. Edge AI: With the development of AI technology, the value of edge AI is further emphasized and utilized.

10. Digital transformation: New technologies are driving the digital transformation of society as a whole, bringing new opportunities to industries.

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